Raising Awareness....Asking Questions

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Girls! - What's going on...so sad

Ladies, ladies...actually, i'm not so sure I can call you ladies.
It suprised me that I still get suprised by the ever increasing, ever degrading manner of girls these days...the lack of integrity and respect for youselves is astonishing. Dont get me wrong, men have a long way to go too, but the difference is that men don't tend to walk around objectifying themselves - day in day out - ...they watch women do it!...and thats the point isn't it....they watch you women sexualize and objectify yourselves and then you say men are pigs!! What a joke! We've both got a long way to go sure, but who's got the ability to make a change here? Whilst women continue to objectify themselves men will keep objectifying...telling men that they 'just shouldn't' when women do hasn't really worked for us.

It's so sad but yet so funny watching women of the world today...there is a world wide competition running amongst women to see who can show the most skin but yet come off as respectful...showing cleavage these days is just normal isn't it??!! You girls just keep on prancing about competing with each other as to who can wear a top that shows your breasts buldging further and further for all to see...for what? Attention? A cheap look from someone who looks at you as a peice of meat? Or you dress for youself? - course you do.. psychological reasoning perhaps?...Well done ladies...cheap once again..but wait - its normal these days isn't it? - ohh so its ok. Silly me. We don't know the words integrity and respect for ouselves and fellow human beings anymore...sex culture is here...and all you clowns are playing the game. Well, whilst you choose to use only your primitive motivations you all look like nothing more than people on the discovery channel...and our society and human relations diminish day by day..this is what your teaching our kids...what hope does this generation have...so sad.