Friday, January 06, 2006

Worried about the World

Its been a long while, but day in day out I am disturbed at we so called humans.

There are so many things I could list right now but it would take an eternity. The thing that worries me the most however is the sex culture that we are living in...the one that is happening and getting bigger and bigger...and 50% of people love it and the other 50% don't care, and mixed in these are people who don't see it at all...because it certainly is normality these days.

I have nothing against sex and sexuality...but I have a lot against what our society and its people does with it.

I have had this discussion with many, and listened to many speak. You know what really makes me laugh...yet cry? Is when I hear mothers/fathers/ talking about their 10 year old who wants to wear a G-string and the tiniest clothes she can find...their response? - 'it's just the way kids are these days'...'or its just fashion'.

Well, no, its not either really, not per se. Our children are reflecting what we are teaching them. Your daughter is learning that it is her role as a female to be sexual, to be sexually appealing, that as a female it is her job to be 'there for the males viewing pleasure'. Your young boys are being taught to look...that's what they do - gaze.

Not only is this effecting our babies, what disturbes me to no end is that it is like a rollercoaster now...there's no stopping it. This mentality is effecting so many women, so many men - that it is the norm, and there is nothing wrong with it. It has always been there, but now women are doing it to themselves! TV, news, billboards, advertisements, magazines, movies, walking down the street...women are in one big competition as to who can be the most sexual, and hey...what men are complaining?

Look, you know what...I don't like the whole thing..but let me say this. I could go so far as to say that I can take a step back, distance myself from the world and say "i am not part of this" and let you all live that life...(I'll go buy a farm and live off the land, with not TV!!). But the problem is that people don't see what all this means. People don't see how its all connected. Is it because they really don't understand? Or is it because they really don't want to? Regardless...the truth is that this stuff spills over into the has an effect on our children and on innocent women. When we talk about sexual abuse, sex cannont say they have nothing to do with sex. They do not exist in a vaccum. Yes, I am fully aware that sexual abuse is about power and control...but let me say 2 things:

1/ Power and control and sex
2/ Our sex culture is all about power and control

The fact is that we have a very unhealthy view and manner about sex in our society. Women are objectified and commodotized ALL THE TIME these days...when we live in a world where this happens...when men live this way, women openly accept it and let it happen (even do it themselves) and our children learn have some very dangerous ground for bad things to happen.

On a micro level all men are solely responsible for their actions and must be held accountable.
On a macro level men and women are playing out some very dangerous interactions. We're all in this together.


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